Tuesday, December 13, 2011

A little paint

I applogize for the poor picture. I was so excited to come home and paint one night, so I just took a picture with my phone.

After a new paint of coat, my new sewing table is ready to go.

Everyone needs a little strawberry

Everyone needs a little strawberry some times. A mini strawberry pie was a great treat. The recipe is a family secret, so you'll have to come over to enjoy one of these. (once again sorry for the picture from my phone, maybe one day I'll have a iphone)

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Fish Bowl

This was my first try at dressing up baby onesie. Buttons were a fun way to make bubbles.

Frog Shirt: Little Boys

Using similar techinque with felt, you can take a basic bland onesie to a cute personalized look.

Rocket Boys Shirt

I found a little boy's onesie at Gap and added a rocket to the front. I layered felt and decorative stitching to create this little rocket.