Tuesday, December 13, 2011

A little paint

I applogize for the poor picture. I was so excited to come home and paint one night, so I just took a picture with my phone.

After a new paint of coat, my new sewing table is ready to go.

Everyone needs a little strawberry

Everyone needs a little strawberry some times. A mini strawberry pie was a great treat. The recipe is a family secret, so you'll have to come over to enjoy one of these. (once again sorry for the picture from my phone, maybe one day I'll have a iphone)

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Fish Bowl

This was my first try at dressing up baby onesie. Buttons were a fun way to make bubbles.

Frog Shirt: Little Boys

Using similar techinque with felt, you can take a basic bland onesie to a cute personalized look.

Rocket Boys Shirt

I found a little boy's onesie at Gap and added a rocket to the front. I layered felt and decorative stitching to create this little rocket.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Halloween continues

I fell in love with this vintage style Halloween fabric. I purchased 3 yards of fabric, knowing I wanted to make a few items. Why not start with the simple easy half apron. More "toned down" pattern (as my Husband says my normal patterns are too bright and exciting) of this fabric still holds true the fun of Halloween. By the way aprons should be bright and exciting. Trick-or-Treat!

Halloween Apron

August is time to prepare for new Halloween crafts. Also a great time to buy Halloween fabric before everyone else does. This simple pattern provides quick results, which allows you to spend the day doing other things you also love not just slaving away at the sewing machine all day. Enjoy.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Didn't catch any fish, but picked wild blackberries

This past weekend I went fishing with my husband. Unfortunately, we did not have much luck with the fish. Instead we had some great luck finding some wild blackberry bushes. Eating fresh fruit right from the source is one of the best experiences of summer. After we became intoxicated on fresh berries, it was time for some variety. The next morning I made blackberry pancakes for breakfast and blackberry pie for dinner. What a great way to end a weekend.

Stitch and Stew, oh how I've missed you

Stitch and Stew, oh how I've missed you. I can't say much more than that.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Saturday Afternoon

On Saturday afternoon my husband and I spent the day driving around and stopped for a quick picture. You can check out his website at http://www.nathanlarimer.com/

Monday, February 21, 2011

Spring Color Combo and Half Aprons are Awesome!

This is the first sign of spring and the summer to come. I bought enough fabric to make two with opposite fabric. Stay tuned to see how it turns out with the yellow floral fabric as the front!

Knocker Blocker For a New Mom

Just because someone is having a boy doesn't mean it all has to be blue. I choose a bold colored pattern for this new mom to be. I figured any girl needs some flowers. Matching the floral fabric with solid bold stripe turned out to be a great combo.

Old friends means you need a Stitch and Stew apron

If you think you only have enough fabric for one strap, consider making a "patch work looking strap". This was a fun way to make some leftover fabric turn into something usable.

Plastic Bag Organizer

Need something to hold all those plastic bags? I know we all try to remember our own bags when we go to the store in California, but sometimes our memory fails us. Having an easy way to store the plastic bags, can hopefully help us to reuse the bags. Simply make a tube, use a bit of elastic on the bottom and extra ribbon as a hook. If you want more directions, I'll be happy to share!

Do you own a wiener dog?

For Valentines Day I received some great fabric from my older sister, Areta. If you know anyone who owns a wiener dog or dogs in most cases this fabric is a must!